If the Studio Burnt Down What Happens to I Light LLC?
These are the some of the questions that keep me up at night and some of the same thoughts I have with dear friends over coffee. From the business, to the studio, to what didn't I get to tackle on my to do list today, to making sure those who work for I Light LLC are able to see a projection to thrive in the future, etc. Here it is almost midnight the night before Thanksgiving and these are the questions pressing my mind still-and my one response I have is:
I took a hard look at what watered the growth to this practice, and I began to look at what those core values and the themes they include. There were several themes following connection, community, unity, ethical Art Therapy practices, advocacy, education, versatility in modalities, etc. I Light LLC has an art therapy studio as well but it recently occurred to me thanks to a fellow soul sister conversation over coffee and advocate toast that if the studio burnt down I Light would still exist. As terrifying as that sounds it got me questioning what exactly is I Light LLC? And perhaps I Light LLC is more than the mural mountain walls and somehow has found a way to permeate it's light outside these walls as well. The studio then I realized became a goal to expand services and fell under the core values but I Light LLC was already something more and was in existence before the studio became part of this practice. This practice exists because it started with a passion to provide ethical Art Therapy standards of practice to influence and help others best meet their needs. I Light LLC didn't start in a studio and really no physical space at all- it started as an idea spreading throughout a community with a cold call from me- where I best aligned my practice with those who had similar missions as well and depending on the response may determine if growth could take place or it would grow from me receiving a cold call from another person who had gotten my name and was looking for Art Therapy services.
I Light LLC could not exist without the community.
Even with that said, I Light LLC Art Therapy Studio may exist in Grand Rapids, but when we speak of community here we speak on a larger expanse-you may not know that I Light LLC provides services in Battle Creek, has given presentations out of state at national conferences and has even been in touch with other Art Therapists and programs on an international level. I Light LLC looks at how it can best reach a larger number through it's services and without going into detail we are working on it and you will have to hang tight and follow the journey.
Since I Light LLC could not exist without the community it wants to ensure those who help make this practice possible also feel appreciated so it started with the local greater Grand Rapids community. As a thank you to those who have helped to make this community a stronger and healthier space as a result of working with I Light LLC it decided to have an appreciation invite only program to ensure that those who have supported I Light LLC through it's services and this community feel appreciated and taken care of as well. With that said an event was hosted as a thank you gift to those who have supported this practice bringing everyone together through a Soul-Fill Sunday art therapy integrated within yoga to experience self-care, unity, community and connection through an art therapy and yoga experience for mind, body and soul.
These people who attended and those who were invited are the change makers within I Light LLC, the ones who work behind the scenes to impact the world for the better. These are the people who also have never met one another but are connected through I Light LLC. There was something to be said about strangers connecting to one another through an intimate creative experience and post conversation of laughter, discussion and networking to expand that ripple affect that all started with I Light LLC. Looking around I saw the experience falling under the core values again-there was community, connection, unity, advocacy, versatility in an art therapy modality and lastly the one thing that this practice wanted to give also received that evening-
Author: Leara Glinzak, ATR, MSAT is Owner and Registered Art Therapist of I Light LLC in Grand Rapids, MI and specializes in Grief, Trauma, Distress, Anxiety, Addiction, Dementia and end of life. She has been published in the peer reviewed Journal of the American Art Therapy Association and has presented locally and nationally. You can read more about her on Psychology Today.